KB Swingin’



“Any Minute”

In Teams of 3:

On the Minute x 24 (6 Rounds):
Station 1: 1 Round of “Cindy”
Station 2: 10 Hang Power Snatches (95/65#)  Rx+(115/75#)
Station 3: Max Calorie Assault Bike
Station 4: Rest

* Alternate partners through stations on the minute for 6 rounds. Post total calories on the bike to the whiteboard.


Olympic Lifting Class

1.   4 x 3 Pause Front Squats (Climbing)
* 2-3 second pause at bottom position.

2.   Every 90 Seconds x 6:
Hang Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk (Climbing)

3.   Power Clean + Split Jerk
* 10 minutes to establish