Coach Renee recruiting in Italy!!


Inguz Update: The 2018 New Years Nutrition Challenge starts on Monday, January 8th!! Complete details can be found at the link HERE.



“Nickel and Dime”

5min AMRAP:
Kettlebell Swing (1.5/1.0 pood)
Front Squats (115/75#)  Rx+(135/95#)
Calorie Assault Bike (15-10-5)

Rest 5min…

5min AMRAP:
Kettlebell Swing (1.5/1.0 pood)
Front Squat (95/65#)  Rx+(115/75#)
Calorie Row (15-10-5)

* Post total reps completed for each AMRAP separately to the whiteboard.


Accessory Work

1. Strict Handstand Push-ups
12min EMOM:
Odd: 18/15 Calorie Row
Even: Max Strict HSPU in 40 Seconds

2. Pause Front Squat
Build to a Heavy Single