Sunday 12.5.21

Sunday 12.5.21

  INGUZ WOD “Tummy Twister” 5 Rounds of. . . 5 Minute AMRAP: Buy In: 65/55 Calorie Bike, 75/65 Calorie Row, or 800 Meter Run In Time Remaining: Round 1: Max Reps Sit Ups Round 2: Max Reps V Ups Round 3: Max Reps Hollow Body Rocks Round 4: Max Reps...
Sunday 12.5.21

Saturday 12.4.21

  INGUZ WOD “Monsters Inc.” Team of 3: AMRAP 6: Clean & Jerks (135/95#) AMRAP 6: Bike Calories AMRAP 6: Wall Balls (20/14#) AMRAP 6: Bike Calories AMRAP 6: Build to A Heavy Clean & Jerk *Post total reps and combined heaviest load clean &...
Sunday 12.5.21

Friday 12.3.21

  Inguz Update: Know someone that might be interested in trying out a class at INGUZ?! Friday, December 3rd is “Bring a Friend Friday”…all classes are free!! If you have someone who would like to try a class please send an email to, or text...
Sunday 12.5.21

Thursday 12.2.21

  Inguz Update: Know someone that might be interested in trying out a class at INGUZ?! Friday, December 3rd is “Bring a Friend Friday”…all classes are free!! If you have someone who would like to try a class please send an email to, or text...