TBT to last year’s Barbells for Boobs event.


Inguz Update: Registration and fundraising information for Barbells for Boobs 2017 can be found at the link below.



Skill Work

12min of Pistol Drills

* Spend 12 minutes working on pistol skills and drills (see video below).



Every 90sec for 18min:
Station 1: 10 Pistols (alternating legs)
Station 2: 200m run
Station 3: 5-15 Unbroken Pull-ups

* The goal for today’s WOD is lower intensity practice work. Those who can’t do pistols can do one of the scaling options from the video below. The 200m run should be completed in approximately 60 seconds or less, and should be scaled accordingly. The pull-ups are not the primary movement that we are practicing today, however athletes may use this as an opportunity to work on unbroken sets of strict/C2B/kipping/butterfly pull-ups or ring rows.